Quality healthcare on the go is here
100% mobile. We come to you, wherever you are!
Same day appointments; often within minutes or hours
Flat-fee rates, with no hidden surprise charges
Two kinds of service to fit your budget and medical needs:
Health Plans
Monthly membership plans that include both Primary Care and Urgent Care needs.
Only $90 per month
Sign-up at any time (no Annual Sign-up Periods)
On Demand Service
Medical Care for those without a Health Plan that need help now.
Flat-fee service
No hidden fees
HSA/FSA payment accepted (depending on plan)
Functional Medicine


It's time for a change.
Let’s face it, our current medical system is failing us. Health premiums continue to increase as does the amount you pay for specific medical encounters. So we are basically paying more to pay more!
Doc is here to return healthcare to its roots, one housecall at a time.
is the health care change we have been needing.
It centers around the patient to provide the most convenient, highest quality, and most affordable care. If you are needing primary care, urgent care, or even minor emergency care, we have you covered.
Whether you’re a small business wanting to offer low cost health care options to your employees, or a large company looking for more affordability and quality in your current plan, doc has a wide range of business plan options.
Our family/individual/student plans are great for any situation. From those without insurance to those with a traditional plan, doc can provide quality care affordably. We have saved some families $1000’s of dollars annually on their healthcare.
Need a Doc now? No problem, book an in home or Telemedicine visit and be seen quicker. Don’t spend hours in the waiting room or rearrange your schedule to fit someone else’s time. Get doc out and we will get you up and running in no time!
Did we mention that we do all of this in your home?
doc strives to bring you convenience and affordability without sacrificing quality, and you don’t even have to leave your house! For the first time, your medical home will truly be at your home!