About Us


doc Core Focus

Bringing peace of mind to your home


Origins of

I was fortunate enough to go on a medical trip to Honduras in July of 2017.  In short, it was awesome. It is what medicine is supposed to be. Being able to treat patients without any other distractions was refreshing. When I returned, I quickly longed to have that back. Although I enjoyed working in the Emergency Room, it lacked the satisfaction that I found in Honduras. That satisfaction of actually “practicing medicine” gets lost somewhere between the voluminous insurance paperwork and/or the always present legal fears in today’s healthcare climate. I decided that not only would a change bring me more satisfaction, but would be so much more beneficial to the patient as well!

As most physicians do, I commonly field multiple medical-related texts/emails/phone calls from friends, family members, or acquaintances. These would usually ask me to do anything from diagnosing a disease from a blurry picture of a body part to the dreaded, “Do I need to go to the ER?”  I would always try my best to help them out but soon began realizing how much of a need there was for on-demand medicine.  This got me thinking… (which is always dangerous)!

doc was born out of these three concepts: Was it possible to provide high quality, personable healthcare, at an affordable price, on-demand? I believe that not only is it possible, but it is more beneficial for all. We can have food delivered to us 24 hours a day, packages from all over the world brought to our doorstep, and even our groceries dropped off on our porch. Why can’t we have quality healthcare, when and where we want it?  With doc, now we can.

- Dr. Joel Richards



Willingness to Help


Consistently Kind


Always Respectful


Treat others better than yourself