Cognitive Decline Prevention

Cognitive Decline Prevention Appointments


I became a Bredesen protocol certified practitioner in 2017 and have recently completed the second certification. This is a specific protocol that is the first to show reversal of early stage Alzheimer’s disease. This has led to more understanding of the disease and better treatments.

My passion for medicine started when I was 9 years old.  My father had hypertension and he refused to make the necessary changes. He subsequently suffered numerous strokes leading to vascular dementia.  My mother took care of him at home for 16 years until he passed away. The helplessness I felt fueled my desire to become a physician and I knew at that time I wanted to do things differently. 

Our Cognitive Decline Prevention visits start with a baseline exam that can help show if there are subtle or obvious deficiencies. Though the Bredesen protocol, we then can recommend safe and effective treatments and be able to measure progress!  

Ideally, we start the protocol long before cognitive abnormalities take root so as to prolong normal cognition as long as possible. However, even patients with obvious deficiencies will benefit from this treatment plan. Those with strong family history of dementia are also great candidates for this type of service as well with the goal of identifying, and treating, any early and subtle deficiency. 

A personal message from Dr. Suarez

Seven Strategies to Optimize Brain Health
